On-Line Services
Outsource all or part of your bookkeeping to us. We will give you access to your data from your office or from wherever you are to enter data, view or print reports, pay bills, bill customers, generate inventories, produce weekly financial statements and maintain your System, or pay our staff to do the data entry and lower your in-house accounting costs and monthly accounting costs. All this starting at around $200 per month, plus setup costs. You will also be able to have
your POS data imported automatically into your Daily Sales postings, Payroll generation and Sales Mix reporting. Tired of waiting for up to 45 days after the end of the month to get your financial statements and see how your business is doing? You will know at the end of every week using our proven management tools. Give us a call or send an E-mail to see how we can help cut your operating costs, give you better reporting and allow you access to one of the most dynamic Back Office Management Systems.
Phone: 1.954.941.3636